sreda, 13. maj 2009
Najin gorski podvig sva zacela pri mami Miri, ki ima sobe v mestu Kochkor, ki je nekje izhodisce za obisk letnih pasnikov, ki se jim rece Jailoo. Soba je bila res lepa, vecerja pa se toliko bolj. Na mizo smo dobili domaco marmelado iz nekih super gozdnih sadezev, ki se jim po rusko rece maline. Midva sva pa ugibala, da so notri sigurno borovnice, pa brusnice pa ribez in maline. No pa so bile samo maline. TO JE BILA NAJBOLJSA MARMELADA EVER. In jaz sem seveda navalil k nor. Koncno ena super hrana. Pa hcerka od mame Mire gleda in ji rata jasno, da Gasper ne bo kusal marmelade, ce bo slo tako naprej. In sama od sebe prinse se eno skledcko marmelade in jo postavi pred njega. Smo se vsi full smejal.
No potem pa zjutraj na poletne pasnike, kjer se pasejo ovce (baranine), krave (karove), koze (kaze) in konji (konji). Tradicionalno so zivinorejci zimo (od oktobra do aprila!!!) preziveli v vasi, kjer je manj snega, cez poletje gredo pa v hribe na poletne pasnike. Zivijo v jurtah, ki jo dober pastir postavi v 3 urah. Midva bi jo nekje v 3 dneh najbrz. Ogrodje je leseno, okoli pa napnejo tkanino iz ovcje volne, ki sciti pred vetrom in dokler je nova tudi pred dezjem. Nasa je bila 8 let stara, tako da so vmes dali polivinil. Pa je tudi drzalo. Na tleh je pa shyrdah. Torej tepih, da ne lezis direkt na zemlji. Normalno so se selili na 2 meseca, tako da so izkoristili tudi visje lezece pasnike, kjer je bila trava, potem so se pa kasneje vrnili nizje, kjer je zrasla ze kar visoka trava. Zdaj k majo pa tursite so pa kar pri miru. Ta jurta je na 2600 m.n.m.
Ko sva prisla je snezilo. Majhen snezni metez, vmes je bilo tudi sonce, potem je padal leden dez, kmalu je bila pa se megla. To nas ni vstavilo. Takoj na konje pa akcija. Konji je bolj slaba beseda. Boljse bi bilo tursiticne mule v preobleki konja. Ja to ni slo hitreje k 3km/h ne glede na to kaj si se dru na njega in ga butal. Smo sli v hrib po snegu, ampak konj v sneg ne gre, ce je globji od 5 cm. Tako da smo sli, kjer so oni zeleli, ne toliko tam, kjer bi mi sli :-) Mraz pa za znoret. Bili smo nekje 3000m visoko, pihalo, snezilo, celo neurje. Mi pa dziha dziha naprej. Potem smo se pa dam obrnili. Konji kot prerojeni. Vsaj 6km/h. Valjda dam gremo, prej k bomo, boljs bo. Potem pa kosilo. Popoldne spet jahat, pa malo odmarat. Zvecer pa akcija! Pravo pastirsko delo. Treba je zgnat skupaj 72 krav in 3 jake, in nekaj milijonov ovc ter koz, ki pa bolj same pridejeo, ce 2x zazvizgas. To je pa taprava zabava. Celo konji razumejo, da takrat ni zajebancije in se odzivajo na ukaz. Tako da smo krave gnali domov kot pravi pastirji. Treba se jim je pa dret neki v stilu kot huus. In grejo. Ce ne, jo pa usekas po riti, da si zapomne. Cist majckene krave smo dali v eno majhno hisko, ostale pa spijo na travniku, ampak blizu jurte, da ne pride volk. Ovce in koze je pa treba zgnat v ogrado, da se jih zapre. To pa je zabava. Ograda za 100 ovc, jih je pa 150. Skor no. In se rinejo, in blejejo, ja akcija ni kaj. Po snegu in blatu smo jih koncno 5 komadov nagnali v ogrado. Ki je bila 10m on najine jurte. Tko da ponoci ni bilo tezav z tisino.
Imajo pa tudi 3 pse. Ta najvecji je Chef. Total srcklana mrcina. Ampak samo na videz. Njegova naloga je namrec, da credo brani pred volkovi. In to dejansko pocne celo noc. Na zalost. Ponoci je mraz za ... V jurti je sicer pecka, ki pa ponoci ugasne. Tako da se kar ohladi. Dobila sva zelo debel kovter in se debelo deko. Skupaj je to tehtalo nekje 47 kg. Na tleh pa samo en tepih in cez ovcja koza, tako da je trdo, ampak res ornk. No cez pa dobis tono za pokrit. Priznam, zeblo naju ni cisto nic, tudi brez spalke. Ampak teza je pa neznosna. Gasper je komaj pljuca dvigoval. Jaz sem pa poskusal spati na boku, dokler me niso kosti toliko bolele, da sem pol noci rajsi poslusal ipod, ker spat res nisem mogel. Ce pa slucajno sem zaspal ... stari dobri chef zacne lajat. Pa ostala 2 psa tudi. 2 metra od moje glave. Pa malo nehajo, pa spet. Drugo noc sem sel celo pogledat, kaj je za ena akcija. Konji, na pol divji, (ki se prosto pasejo), so prisli do jurte in psi jih ganjajo stran. Enega po enega, tko da je celo noc zurka. Eno noc pa chef zacne zamolklo lajat. Houu, houu. In to se je nadaljevalo vec kot eno uro. Sem ze vse ovce prestel 3x pa se nisem zaspal. Ponoci je blizu prisel VOLK in pes ga je zavohal in je potem toliko casa lajal, dokler ga ni odgnal. No toliko glede mrzle noci v jurti.
Aja zakaj majo psi ful radi tursiste? Zato, ker je za kosilo zilavo meso .....
2. dan smo zopet jahali. Spet ista storija. Konji v prvi, pa se vkljucen diferencial. Nic kaj posebnega. Potem, ko smo se pa vracali domov, sem ga pa usepl nagnat celo do galopa, tako da je bilo lustn. Samo je skor duso spustu, ker je bolj staro kljuse. Zvecer pa spet najljubse opravilo, gnat karove domov. Pa pazit, da ne poberes unih od sosjed. Sem se nausil prvi dan, ko so ene odlutale res dalec, da ce niso markirane so nase, ce imajo pa brand 0 so pa od sosjeda. Tako da mi je sefe zaupal, da prizenem tudi oddaljene. Pa se jake sem nasel in jih nagnal domov. Gasper se je pa navadil krotiti svojo mrcino, tako da je tudi aktivno zganjal karove na kup.
Toliko o poletnih pasnikih, kjer non stop snezi in res ne vem zakaj jim pravijo poletni. Smo imeli pa tudi soncka vmes po 10 minut, tako da se je dalo soncit.
Zdaj sva pa na najlepsem jezeru Issik Kul, ki je dolgo vec kot 200 km, siroko pa 30 km, in ga pocasi spreminjajo v Elite Resort for Russians.
Kyrgyz music
Popular Kyrgyz song from the 90s Kyrgyz Jeri by Salamat Sadykova. A very nice song about Kyrgyzstan.
A more modern sound from Kyrgyzstan:
Г. Сатылганова - Санат ыры
Nelya - Balalygym kyrgyz
From the ancient times the Kyrgyz people were famous for their good musical abilities. The Kyrgyzians divide their music stemming from the depth of ages into songs and kyu. All of the works created for national musical instruments belong to kyu. The most popular musical instrument is a three-string pizzicato komuz. A two-string bow kyyak and reed temir ooz komuz are also popular. A reed jigach ooz komuz, a sacred flute choor, and a sacred reed surnai are national musical instruments used by people.
The Kyrgyz people have tradition to play solo music. The performance of singers and musicians in turn as a kind of competition is very popular. The folklore existed in past exclusively in oral form. Performers imitated music from each other by ear. In so doing, they became not only interpreters but also co-authors or even creators of a new version of a musical work the kyu were inherited by new generations and each performer introduced its own details into a song. That is why its variation ness characterizes the Kyrgyz instrumental music. The majority of the Kyrgyz kyus are of an epic and narrative character. They absorbed various themes. They are everyday life narration, description of natural phenomena and scenes from animal life. The kyus were created under influence of the epic and its motifs.
The instrumental folklore is closely connected with a vocal music and often directly depends on it. The Kyrgyz musicians frequently interpret song melodies through national instruments.
The kyus widely represent such genres as lyrical, lyric and epic, lyric and philosophic, lyric and every-day life.
Popular national musicians – classics of the 18-20 centuries who created famous works of national instrumental music are Muzooke, Mailybai, Kudaibergen, Belek, Tilen, K.Belekov, A. Beishekurov, T. Satylganov, M. Kurenkeev, A. Ogonbaev, K. Orozov, Y. Tumanov and others.
Folk songs constitute a significant part of the Kyrgyz musical works.
A song creation by akyns is a specific kind of the Kyrgyz folklore. An akyn is a folk singer - improviser. A talented akyn - virtuoso is notable for his good vocal capabilities and a rich poetic gift. The akyn performs songs accompanying his singing by playing the komuz. Improvisation, ease development of musical and poetic thoughts, intonation and rhythmic freedom, and recitative manners of performing are characteristic of akyn singing. The komuz accompaniment very often imitates an akyn’s voice, and instrumental recoupments sound in the beginning, middle, and end of couplets.
The popular akyns and singers Jenidjok, Sary-yrchy, Esenaman, K. Akiev, T. Satylgnov, Y. Shaibekov, O. Bolebalayev, A. Chorobaev, A. Usenbaev, T. Abdiev, Z. Usenbaev and others became famous.
Musical instruments
The roots of Kyrgyz culture go back to the ancient times and an important part of this culture is musical culture of Kyrgyz people.
The Kyrgyz tribes came from Yenisei and this pre-Islamic musical culture has been reflected in the musical instruments and folklore from the ancient times till present.
Inhabitants of Yenisei river area have always been famous for their throaty singing, and their music based on the interchanging of voice and instrument.
From the ancient time Kyrgyz people adapted to apply handy natural materials for manufacturing of musical instruments, the use that permitted to convey the spirit of nation.
There are many various Kyrgyz national instruments, which differ from each other by the palette and diapason of sounding.
The most important place in Kyrgyz art belongs to instrumental music. All inhabitants of a nomad group - from children to the elderly would gather together in order to listen the master instrumentalist's play. The most fascinating and interesting holidays were the times of the music competitions. Also, an instrumental ensemble was an essential element of military campaigns.
The main feature of the distinctive style of Kyrgyz music is the images it conjures in the mind. There is a very wide picturesque range: from heroics with dramatic (epic) effects, to the beauty of natural scenery (mountains, trees and streams) and domestic themes.
Komuz - crafted from a single piece of wood with three strings that are played by plucking. The modern komuz is about 85-90 cm long with strings made of kapron. A special feature of the comuz is the ability to tune the strings in variety of ways to suit the music being played. To play the komuz, the performer holds it in a horizontal position while seated or - more rarely - standing. Numerous playing techniques are possible and mastery of the right (plucking) hand technique especially allows for playing a variety of difficult and complex compositions. The komuz is a standard member of any Kyrgyz folk music group. According to legend, the first komuz was made by the hunter Kambar. He himself was a master performer (komuschi), and Kambarkan became one of the distinctive creative genres of Kyrgyz folk music.
Among the numerous national instruments the most widespread and popular, has rich repertoire. While playing it, the three strings are clasped by the left hand to the fingerboard and the right hand is used to pluck the strings in a variety of ways to draw out the sounds.
Kyyak (kyl kyyak) - a string and bow instrument 60-70 cm in length. The traditional kyyak is made from the wood of an apricot tree and has two strings of untwisted horse hair. Horse hair is also used for bow. The kyyak is played by master performer (kyyakchi) in a seated position with the instrument held vertically while the stretched hair on the bow is drawn gently across the strings. The fingers of the left hand do not press the strings to the fingerboard; they gently touch it, producing colorful, harmonic tones similar to certain techniques used in violin playing. Given two options for tuning, the upper string is melodious while the lower string is resonant. The traditional kyyak is an instrument transposing one octave down. The majority of the traditional compositions for the kyyak are very lyrical and heartfelt, which is completely in accordance with the musical nature of the instrument.
The Temir komuz has also become a musical symbol of Kyrgyz - like komuz. This instrument is extremely small. Made of iron, it is shaped in the form of a broken, stretched circle with two prongs, and attached to the center is a steel plate. The sound is made by placing the prongs between the lips and striking the steel plate - and adjusting the shape of the hollow of the mouth.
One of the popular wind instruments is the chopo-choor. It is made out of clay and has a shape that comfortably sits in palm like a putty-shaped ball with holes.
To much of the music there is a religious meaning, tightly connected with Kyrgyz shamanism. They had percussion instruments, such as the dobulba and asa-tayak. A dobulba is a one-sided framed drum with wed tied around one end. Striking it with the hands makes the sound. The asa-tayak is made out of wood in the shape of baton. Bells and other iron objects are attached to this framework as additional sources of sounds that are generated by rocking or striking the sharp end of instrument on the ground.
A more modern sound from Kyrgyzstan:
Г. Сатылганова - Санат ыры
Nelya - Balalygym kyrgyz
From the ancient times the Kyrgyz people were famous for their good musical abilities. The Kyrgyzians divide their music stemming from the depth of ages into songs and kyu. All of the works created for national musical instruments belong to kyu. The most popular musical instrument is a three-string pizzicato komuz. A two-string bow kyyak and reed temir ooz komuz are also popular. A reed jigach ooz komuz, a sacred flute choor, and a sacred reed surnai are national musical instruments used by people.
The Kyrgyz people have tradition to play solo music. The performance of singers and musicians in turn as a kind of competition is very popular. The folklore existed in past exclusively in oral form. Performers imitated music from each other by ear. In so doing, they became not only interpreters but also co-authors or even creators of a new version of a musical work the kyu were inherited by new generations and each performer introduced its own details into a song. That is why its variation ness characterizes the Kyrgyz instrumental music. The majority of the Kyrgyz kyus are of an epic and narrative character. They absorbed various themes. They are everyday life narration, description of natural phenomena and scenes from animal life. The kyus were created under influence of the epic and its motifs.
The instrumental folklore is closely connected with a vocal music and often directly depends on it. The Kyrgyz musicians frequently interpret song melodies through national instruments.
The kyus widely represent such genres as lyrical, lyric and epic, lyric and philosophic, lyric and every-day life.
Popular national musicians – classics of the 18-20 centuries who created famous works of national instrumental music are Muzooke, Mailybai, Kudaibergen, Belek, Tilen, K.Belekov, A. Beishekurov, T. Satylganov, M. Kurenkeev, A. Ogonbaev, K. Orozov, Y. Tumanov and others.
Folk songs constitute a significant part of the Kyrgyz musical works.
A song creation by akyns is a specific kind of the Kyrgyz folklore. An akyn is a folk singer - improviser. A talented akyn - virtuoso is notable for his good vocal capabilities and a rich poetic gift. The akyn performs songs accompanying his singing by playing the komuz. Improvisation, ease development of musical and poetic thoughts, intonation and rhythmic freedom, and recitative manners of performing are characteristic of akyn singing. The komuz accompaniment very often imitates an akyn’s voice, and instrumental recoupments sound in the beginning, middle, and end of couplets.
The popular akyns and singers Jenidjok, Sary-yrchy, Esenaman, K. Akiev, T. Satylgnov, Y. Shaibekov, O. Bolebalayev, A. Chorobaev, A. Usenbaev, T. Abdiev, Z. Usenbaev and others became famous.
Musical instruments
The roots of Kyrgyz culture go back to the ancient times and an important part of this culture is musical culture of Kyrgyz people.
The Kyrgyz tribes came from Yenisei and this pre-Islamic musical culture has been reflected in the musical instruments and folklore from the ancient times till present.
Inhabitants of Yenisei river area have always been famous for their throaty singing, and their music based on the interchanging of voice and instrument.
From the ancient time Kyrgyz people adapted to apply handy natural materials for manufacturing of musical instruments, the use that permitted to convey the spirit of nation.
There are many various Kyrgyz national instruments, which differ from each other by the palette and diapason of sounding.
The most important place in Kyrgyz art belongs to instrumental music. All inhabitants of a nomad group - from children to the elderly would gather together in order to listen the master instrumentalist's play. The most fascinating and interesting holidays were the times of the music competitions. Also, an instrumental ensemble was an essential element of military campaigns.
The main feature of the distinctive style of Kyrgyz music is the images it conjures in the mind. There is a very wide picturesque range: from heroics with dramatic (epic) effects, to the beauty of natural scenery (mountains, trees and streams) and domestic themes.
Komuz - crafted from a single piece of wood with three strings that are played by plucking. The modern komuz is about 85-90 cm long with strings made of kapron. A special feature of the comuz is the ability to tune the strings in variety of ways to suit the music being played. To play the komuz, the performer holds it in a horizontal position while seated or - more rarely - standing. Numerous playing techniques are possible and mastery of the right (plucking) hand technique especially allows for playing a variety of difficult and complex compositions. The komuz is a standard member of any Kyrgyz folk music group. According to legend, the first komuz was made by the hunter Kambar. He himself was a master performer (komuschi), and Kambarkan became one of the distinctive creative genres of Kyrgyz folk music.
Among the numerous national instruments the most widespread and popular, has rich repertoire. While playing it, the three strings are clasped by the left hand to the fingerboard and the right hand is used to pluck the strings in a variety of ways to draw out the sounds.
Kyyak (kyl kyyak) - a string and bow instrument 60-70 cm in length. The traditional kyyak is made from the wood of an apricot tree and has two strings of untwisted horse hair. Horse hair is also used for bow. The kyyak is played by master performer (kyyakchi) in a seated position with the instrument held vertically while the stretched hair on the bow is drawn gently across the strings. The fingers of the left hand do not press the strings to the fingerboard; they gently touch it, producing colorful, harmonic tones similar to certain techniques used in violin playing. Given two options for tuning, the upper string is melodious while the lower string is resonant. The traditional kyyak is an instrument transposing one octave down. The majority of the traditional compositions for the kyyak are very lyrical and heartfelt, which is completely in accordance with the musical nature of the instrument.
The Temir komuz has also become a musical symbol of Kyrgyz - like komuz. This instrument is extremely small. Made of iron, it is shaped in the form of a broken, stretched circle with two prongs, and attached to the center is a steel plate. The sound is made by placing the prongs between the lips and striking the steel plate - and adjusting the shape of the hollow of the mouth.
One of the popular wind instruments is the chopo-choor. It is made out of clay and has a shape that comfortably sits in palm like a putty-shaped ball with holes.
To much of the music there is a religious meaning, tightly connected with Kyrgyz shamanism. They had percussion instruments, such as the dobulba and asa-tayak. A dobulba is a one-sided framed drum with wed tied around one end. Striking it with the hands makes the sound. The asa-tayak is made out of wood in the shape of baton. Bells and other iron objects are attached to this framework as additional sources of sounds that are generated by rocking or striking the sharp end of instrument on the ground.
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